“To Be Expected” (1974)

“To Be Expected” (1974) was the end-result of a whole series of movies: Psyche, Middeleeuwse Film, A Boy’s Ballad, Difficult Meeting in White Dress and more. All of them with the same subject: two people in a park or wood, standing, looking, having...

Tangens [2x EMS Synthi Aks]

York Höller 1973 Tangens for cello, electric guitar, electronic organ / piano and two analog synthesizer [EMS Synthi Aks]. York Höller homepage Tangens.mp3 Send my way via G. Waßmuth

EMS SYNTHI 100 restoration

Working on the Dawe 3000A Frequency Counter: It was decided to restore the ‘test equipment’ sections of the Synthi 100 first, as these items would prove very useful during the fault-finding and calibration of the rest of the instrument. As it arrived the...